Nano Technology Platform


Nanotechnology is branch of science that deals with dimensions of less than 100 nanometers. As it relates to materials science, applied to the healthcare domain, it has potential to greatly impact Drug Delivery, Imaging & Diagnostics, Tumor Targeting, and Therapeutics.

Nano Kidney

We have developed a novel, nano-conjugate based cartridge for blood urea reduction.  As a next step, other removable components from blood such as potassium and excess water will be dealt with using a similar strategy. By incorporating tandem cartridges for the removal of urea, potassium, creatine and water in a single treatment session, Accudx’s nano kidney will improve the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease..


Current status

Proof of concept stage work is completed. We screened and identified nano structures that are capable of effectively removing urea from blood both in vitro and in vivo. Prototype cartridges were built. The effectiveness was demonstrated in canine and rabbit animal models. The integrity of active components of cartridges were tested for flow characteristics and leaching with satisfactory results.  Active components were also tested for cellular toxicity.

IP Details

  • Patent Application Publication (21) Application No.202021029811 A / Publication Date : 31/07/2020

Inventors: Raveendran POTTATHIL, Sanjay DESHMUKH, Kiran KHARAT